Not Legal Advice. The website of Stanley Reuter Alford Owen Munson & Paul, LLC (the “Firm”) does not provide legal advice, and the information on this website may not be up-to-date. Any unauthorized use of the materials herein is at the user’s own risk.
No Attorney-Client Relationship. Contacting the Firm does not make you a client or mean that you have an attorney. Until you speak with an attorney of the firm, establish an attorney-client relationship, and receive an engagement letter relative to that relationship, you are not a client of the Firm.
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No Implied Specializations. Our descriptions of practice areas does not imply certification, specialization, or expertise in any particular area of law. If a particular attorney holds a certification or other expertise recognized by the applicable State Bar, his or her individual page will indicate this information.
No Endorsement of Other Websites. The Firm’s website may provide links to other websites. Such links are not an endorsement of those websites, which are not under our control.
The Firm is located at 909 Poydras Street, Suite 2500, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70112. The attorney primarily responsible for this website is Kathryn W. Munson.