June 2, 2020
Stanley, Reuter, Ross, Thornton & Alford is pleased to welcome Ellen “Ellie” George and Brandon Naquin as summer law clerks. Ms. George is a graduate of Barnard College of Columbia University and attends Tulane University Law School where she is a member of the Tulane Law Review. Her publications include Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission: How Race Discrimination Advanced the Dormant Commerce Clause, 94 Tul. L. Rev. ___ (2020) and The Grassy Knoll, ECHOES LITERARY AND ART MAGAZINE (Spring 2016) (online). In her spare time, Ellie enjoys reading and writing short fiction.
After teaching English and French for four years in Louisiana and Spain, Mr. Naquin attends Emory University School of Law where he is an Executive Managing Editor of the Emory Law Journal. In addition to being a Research Assistant for Dr. Martha Grace Duncan since 2019, Brandon has volunteered for social outreach programs, assisted with coastal erosion mitigation efforts, provided tutoring to Nicholls State University residents, and moderated the E.D. White Catholic High School Chess Club. His publications include Canals, Community, and Coastal Permitting: Using Exactions to Overcome Inadequate Remedies for Non-adjacent Erosion from Estuary Channelization, 70 EMORY L.J. ___ (2020) and several poems in Mosaic and Point of Vue Magazine.